Sign up for Parent Project! Need some strategies for challenging behavior? This is the course for you!! Reserve your spot today! Dinner and childcare provided.
Welcome Back to School Attached is the back-to-school letter with hyperlinks. We are looking forward to a great year.
Robotics teams head to the VEX Robotics World Championships Vex CA State Region 3 Robotics Tournament was held on Sunday March 3rd at BC and our Fruitvale team 7690W “Quantum Platoon” are State Champions!! They are headed to VEX World Robotics Tournament in Dallas Texas April 27-May 1st! Very exciting!!!
FJH Recognized as one of Kern County's Innovative and Impactful Schools The Walk to Learn program has had a positive impact on Fruitvale Students.
FJH Fundraiser through December 8! Fruitvale Junior High's fundraiser is currently up and running, and we need your help. Our goal is to raise $5,000.00 for the Student body.It's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
FJH Students attend CTE Summer Camps Check out this camp highlight video to see all of the amazing opportunities our students experienced.
Robotics teams head to the VEX Robotics World Championships Final adjustments to their robots are made, and three Fruitvale Junior High Robotics teams are all packed up and ready to fly off to the VEX World Championship in Dallas, Texas.